Mendefinisikan Ulang Perencanaan Keuangan

Untuk memberdayakan semua orang untuk membuat keputusan keuangan yang lebih baik

Seeing Growth When Others Don’t

As a former financial consultant, Co-founder Dato’ Wayne Chen understands the power of insights and was able to create solutions by digitising the financial consultancy industry and enhancing value creation for financial consultants.

Together with Co-founder Pok Xiao Guo, GoalsMapper’s dream team was conceived in 2018. Having amassed over a decade of experience in the software industry, particularly in system architecture, design and infrastructure, Xiao Guo had the technological knowledge to create value for users.

In the same year, GoalsMapper was named one of the top 10 startup finalists at the Dsion Startup Challenge 2018. Its triumph continued in 2019, where it was awarded the InsurTech of the Year 2019 at the 4th Asia Trusted Life Agents & Advisers Awards.

Nilai kita


Kami sangat menjunjung tinggi prinsip kejujuran, kepercayaan, dan etika di tempat kerja dan di komunitas tempat kami beroperasi.


Kami berinovasi mencari terobosan untuk membangun kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi Manusia dan Masa Depannya.


Kami merancang dan membangun solusi untuk memungkinkan klien kami memberikan layanan mereka secara efektif dan profesional.

Diversity & Inclusion

We value openness and
respect every opinion.

Tonggak sejarah kami

2024:- Supported MDRT Gives Day (SG) to raise USD 41,841 for MDRT Foundation
2023:- Expansion into Brunei
- Part of Plug and Play Sustainability Accelerator (APAC)
2022:- Expansion into Indonesia
- Data Protection Trustmark Certification
- Insurance Business Asia 5-Star Technology Awards, Winner
- APAC Insider Award
2021:- ISO/IEX 27001:2013 Certification
- MAS-TRM Compliance Certified
- SFF Global FIntech Awards (Singapore Founder), Winner
2020:- Expansion into Thailand
- Singapore Fintech Association Certification
2019:- Expansion into Malaysia
- InsurTech of the Year
2018:- Creative Business Cup, Runner Up
- DSION Startup Challenge, Winner
2024:- Supported MDRT Gives Day (SG) to raise USD 41,841 for MDRT Foundation
2023:- Expansion into Brunei
- Part of Plug and Play Sustainability Accelerator (APAC)
2022:- Expansion into Indonesia
- Data Protection Trustmark Certification
- Insurance Business Asia 5-Star Technology Awards, Winner
- APAC Insider Award
2021:- ISO/IEX 27001:2013 Certification
- MAS-TRM Compliance Certified
- SFF Global FIntech Awards (Singapore Founder), Winner
2020:- Expansion into Thailand
- Singapore Fintech Association Certification
2019:- Expansion into Malaysia
- InsurTech of the Year
2018:- Creative Business Cup, Runner Up
- DSION Startup Challenge, Winner

Meet Our Co-Founders

Dato Wayne Chen

CEO & Co-Founder

Colin Pok

CTO & Co-Founder

Bergabunglah dengan Tim Kami

We believe it takes great people to make a great product. That’s why we hire not only
the perfect professional fits, but people who embody our company values.

More than 120,000 lives touched by GoalsMapper

Give your clients the clarity they deserve for making financial decisions

More than 120,000 lives touched by GoalsMapper

Give your clients the clarity they deserve for making financial decisions


CT Hub, 2 Kallang Avenue #08-05 Singapore (339407)


D-05-07, Menara Mitraland, Jalan PJU 5/1, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor